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Research and Resources

TMS is going on Medicare. ABC gives an overview

On the 1st November 2021, TMS will be added to Medicare. The ABC delves into the history, treatment and what funding will offer those suffering from treatment resistant depression.

Professor Loo, pictured demonstrating TMS in 2005 (APP).

All in the Mind

All in the Mind is a Radio National podcast exploring TMS as an effective alternative treatment for treatment resistant depression. Focussing on the subsection of clinically depressed patients who do not respond to pharmaceutical therapies, this informative podcast elucidates TMS as a non-invasive alternative. The podcast includes interviews with one young man who shares his successful journey to recovery using TMS.

Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in the treatment of depression By Saxby Pridmore

Dr Saxby Pridmore is a psychiatrist who has been at the forefront of the use of TMS as a treatment for depression in Australia since the initial clinical trials during the 1990s. Based in Tasmania, Pridmore promoted the use of TMS whilst working at the Royal Hobart Hospital, overseeing use of the treatment when it was first implemented by the hospital in 1997. 

Pridmore authored the below article on TMS for presentation to The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners in 2018. It is one of the most detailed and informative sources on the treatment available.

Dr Saxby Pridmore
Dr Saxby Pridmore

Depression- your guide


A guide developed by the Royal Australian and New Zealand Collage of Psychiatry to provide information and advice on depression.

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Material displayed on this website is of a general nature only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please speak to your doctor for advice about your individual situation. TMS ACT is not liable for any consequences arising from patients relying on this information.

A detailed consent form will be provided before treatment is initiated.